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Sunday 17 July 2011

32nd International Congress of Law and Mental Health

International Academy of Law and Mental Health (IALMH) informs that it holds the 32nd International Congress of Law and Mental health in Berlin, on 17-23 July 2011. The registration will commence at 3PM on Sunday, July 17th in the lobby of the Main Building of Humboldt University.
Many international aspects regarding law and mental health will be discussed, few of these will be pointed below:
  • The Role of the Interpreters in the Psychotherapy of Torture Survivors (Lilla Hárdi, Cordelia Foundation for the Rehabilitation of Torture Victims, Budapest, Hungary). "This presentation provides an example of how interpreters are being prepared for this special task at Cordelia Foundation and how they are can be protected from vicarious trauma and burnout."
  • Courts’ Responses to the Needs of Victim Witnesses (Miriam Reventlow, International Rehabilitation Center for Torture Victims, Copenhagen, Denmark). "Under international law, states are obliged to prosecute alleged perpetrators of torture and provide reparations to the victims. Victims of torture may participate in the justice process in various ways; this includes providing evidence in the form of medical reports, appearing as witnesses in court, providing testimonies, or by following the proceedings as an observer or claimant."
  • Aggression Profiles in Male Psychopaths (Horia Fabini, Klinikum Frankfurt (Oder) Akademisches Lehrkrankenhaus der Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Germany). "Background: Most of the studies investigating psychopathic aggression examine the quantity of aggression rather than its quality. In this study we conduct an assessment of social, self-harming and physical aggression in a sample of male inmates suffering from comorbid Axis-II disorders."
  • Procedural Justice, Perceived Stigma, and Cooperation/Resistance in Encounters between Police and Persons with Mental Illnesses (Beth Angell, Rutgers University, Amy C. Watson, University of Illinois at Chicago). "There is growing attention to the frequency with which police officers respond to situations involving persons with mental illness and efforts to improve their ability to safely and effectively de-escalate and resolve encounters."
The Congress is one of the most interesting bringing together specialists, professionals researchers, academics from a wide-ranging fields, mainly from areas of law and medicine.

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